
사진 릭키 룬디

또하심 2008. 8. 24. 01:03

Alpus 님의..Fine Art Landscape Image photography by: Rick Lundh




 Rick Lundh Spirit




  Morning Pastels

Morning Pastels

Photography By:Rick Lundh  



  The Pouring 

The Pouring

Photography By:Rick Lundh  



  The Classic 

The Classic

Photography By:Rick Lundh  




  Hills and Shadows

Hills and Shadows

Photography By:Rick Lundh  



  Special Moment

Special Moment

Photography By: Rick Lundh




Death Valley 

Death Valley

Photography By: Rick Lundh  






Photography By: Rick Lundh 






Isle of Bloom

Isle of Bloom

Photography By: Rick Lundh 




Smart Canyon

Smart Canyon Amidst

Photography By: Rick Lundh  





The Demon in the Dunes 

The Demon in the Dunes


Photography By: Rick Lundh 




Gates of the Gorge

Gates of the Gorge


Photography By: Rick Lundh  




Lunar Walkway

Lunar Walkway


Photography By: Rick Lundh 




The Swirls 

The Swirls

Photography By: Rick Lundh 




Painted Morning

Painted Morning

Photography By: Rick Lundh





Mount Hood B&W 

Mount Hood B&W

Photography By:Rick Lundh  



Forest of Darkness 

Forest of Darkness

Photography By:Rick Lundh  




Earth Rocks... 

Earth Rocks...

Photography By:Rick Lundh  






Photography By:Rick Lundh  




Devil's Garden 

Devil's Garden

Photography By:Rick Lundh  




Lost World 

Lost World

Photography By:Rick Lundh  






Photography By:Rick Lundh  




Setting Sun 

Setting Sun

Photography By:Rick Lundh  




Oceans Eruption 

Oceans Eruption

Photography By:Rick Lundh  






Photography By:Rick Lundh  


Stars in the Sky 

Stars in the Sky

Photography By:Rick Lundh  




Just Landed 

Just Landed

Photography By:Rick Lundh  





South Sister 

South Sister

Photography By:Rick Lundh  




The Forest 

The Forest

Photography By:Rick Lundh  


  Valley Prehistoric 

Valley Prehistoric

Photography By:Rick Lundh  




Richness of the Soil

Richness of the Soil

Photography By:Rick Lundh  




Jefferson Reflection BW 

Jefferson Reflection BW

Photography By:Rick Lundh  





Mt Washington 

Mt Washington

Photography By:Rick Lundh  







Snowfall at the falls 

Snowfall at the falls

Photography By:Rick Lundh  






Photography By:Rick Lundh  




  Storm over Horseshoe Bend

Storm over Horseshoe Bend 

Photography By:Rick Lundh  


Mt Hood Black and white 

Mt Hood Black and white

Photography By:Rick Lundh  




High Time it's Sunset!

High Time it's Sunset!

Photography By:Rick Lundh  




Antelope Canyon studies in Contrast

Antelope Canyon studies in Contrast

Photography By:Rick Lundh  



Valley Floora 

Valley Floora

Photography By:Rick Lundh  






Forest Graveyard 

Forest Graveyard

Photography By:Rick Lundh  




Still Water 

Still Water

Photography By:Rick Lundh  



  Awaken II

Awaken II

Photography By:Rick Lundh  



  Steptoe Butte

Steptoe Butte

Photography By:Rick Lundh  




  Palouse Country

Palouse Country

Photography By:Rick Lundh  




  Field of Flowers

Field of Flowers

Photography By:Rick Lundh  




Blue Moon Mountain

Blue Moon Mountain

Photography By:Rick Lundh  





Biography:Rick Lundh  




Rick Lundh(Henrik Anker Biergorde Lundh III) 미국 Portland 오리건에서 태어났습니다.

나는 사진 애호가  가족에서 성장하였고

나는 부친과 형제의 말에 귀를 기울인 것이 사진술의 모든 다른 양상을 대화한 것을 기억하였습니다.

 이것은 내가 나의 인생에 약간 뒷부분에까지 깨닫는 것으로 성장할 씨가 심어졌던 곳입니다.



Rick Lundh (Henrik Anker Biergorde Lundh III) was born in Portland Oregon.

 I grew up in a family of photography enthusiasts and remember listening to

my dad and brother discuss all different aspects of photography.

This is where the seed was planted which would grow into something

I wouldn't realize until a little later in my life.



내가 12 살때에 번째 프로 수준의 카메라와 렌즈를샀다

나는 내가 고등학교를 통하여많은 클래스와  내고향 대한 사진이 실린 많은 간행물들을 발행하였다.

대학에 있는 동안에 나는니콘을 손에 가지고  마음에 드는 풍경 사진을 개발하기 위해 시작했는데,

남쪽 오리건에서 북쪽 Umpqua River의 언덕들과 강들을 탐험하며

경치 사진의  미각을 개발하기 시작하였다,


I bought my first professional level camera and a few lenses

when I was 12 years old and I was hooked.

I grew my knowledge of photography by absorbing as

 many classes and publications as I could up through high school.

 While in college, I began to develop a taste for landscape photography, 

that fed the North Umpquaand could often be found exploring the hills and tributaries



...★Ladies in lavender(Joshua Bell)★







Alpus Production 




